We are currently looking for a teaching/meeting space in Fort Worth. Please contact us HERE if you are interested in collaborating.
(ideally near the hospital district and a health/wellness related business. A chiropractic office/Physical Therapy/OB/gyn/Hospital, Yoga studio that can hold 10-15 people or more)
Education Options
- Intro to Early Pregnancy/Nutrition Class (2 hrs)
- Natural Childbirth Prep Class Series (6 weeks)
- Birth in a Day (one 8 hr class)
- Epidural Support Workshop (2 hours)
- Birth Options/Planning Workshop (2 hours)
- Advanced Labor Comfort Measures Workshop (2 hours)
- Cesarean Prep Workshop (2 hours)
- Infant Care Classes/ babywearing/ infant feeding
- Lactation Classes
- Parenting/family centered support meetings
- Sibling/family Classes
- Grandparenting Class
- Life with TWINS
- Rockin' Dads Class